Kalema (Iman)

kalema, iman, tawhid,

Al-Quran is the greatest scripture sent down by Almighty God to the entire world. This is a book that has no doubts. One of whose letters no one can change until the Day of Judgment. It is a perfect constitution for the people of the world which is best for all times and ages. In the said constitution there is a clear description about people's immediate peace and future emancipation. Let us be informed about Iman (Tawheed), prayer, Zakat, Hajj and fasting among other aspects of Islam in the light of Al-Quran.

First of all we will know about the Da'wah of Iman (Tawheed). Al-Quran says: ‘Whose words can be better than the words of a person who invites to the way of Allah, does righteous deeds and says, Verily I am of the Muslims. Good deeds and bad deeds are not equal. Answer meekly, and you will find that even your enemy has become a close friend.’ (Ha-Mim Sijda 33-34). The importance of invitation is clearly expressed in the mentioned verses. Da'wah is an important act, in return for which people can be the best. As a result, mutual enmity is removed and friendship is restored. Mutual brotherhood and love are created.

In another verse Allah says: ‘There should be a group among you who will call (people) to goodness and enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds. And all these people will be successful.’ (Surah Ale Imran 104)

Allah also says:
‘You are the best nation. You have risen for mankind, enjoin good deeds, and forbid evil deeds, and believe in Allah.’ (Surah Al-Imran 110)

Similarly, Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
‘And the believing men and the believing women are friends to one another, enjoining good deeds and forbidding evil deeds.’ (Surah Tawbah 71)

In the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith, it is essential for a Muslim to enjoin faith and good deeds and forbid evil deeds. So let us participate in that work as much as we can.

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