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Relief Activities

The provision of humanitarian aid to the helpless, distressed and poor people affected by various disasters (such as floods caused by heavy rains, droughts caused by lack of rain, cyclones, floods, wars, etc.) can be called relief work. In our country almost every year there is a flood in some region. Due to the flood, in most cases, the suffering of the poor people of the society has no limit. Then the poor people may suffer if they get the expected relief from the government and private level.

Allah the Exalted says in the Qur’an – Give relatives their due and also the poor and the wayfarer. It is better for those who seek the pleasure of Allah. They are successful. [Surah Ar-Rum-38]

They feed the needy, orphans and captives out of love for God. They say: We feed you only for the pleasure of Allah and do not seek any reward or gratitude from you. [Surah Dahar: 8-9]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of standing by the helpless and helpless, and said, feed the hungry, look after the sick, clothe the clothed and set the prisoner free. – [Bokhari, Hadith: 2417]

Considering the above issues, the Muslim community in Bangladesh has highlighted the importance of delivering relief items to the needy. Besides, we will try to identify the victims as far as possible from our project and help them quickly, inshallah.

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