Daily Masnoon Doa

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1. Salam: (Given Sunnah)
Pronunciation: Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah
Meaning: Peace and mercy be upon you.

2. Reply to Salam: (It is obligatory to reply to Salam)
Pronunciation: Walaikumus Salam Warahmatullah
Meaning: Peace and mercy be upon you too.

3. Dua while entering the mosque:
Pronunciation: Allahummaftahli Abwaba Rahmatika.
Meaning: Oh God! Open for me all the doors of Your mercy.

4. Dua when leaving the mosque:
Pronunciation: Allahumma inni asaluka min padlika.
Meaning: Oh God! I beg your grace.

5. Dua while entering house/house:
Pronunciation: Allahumma Inni Ash Aluka Khairal Mawliji, Wakhairal Makhraji, Bismillahi Olajna, Wabismillahi Kharajna, Wa’Allallahi Rabbina Tawakkalna.
Meaning: Oh God. Verily, I am asking You for a good place of entry and a good place of exit. Entering in the name of Allah and exiting in the name of Allah and trusting in our Lord Allah Ta’ala.

6. Prayer while leaving the house:
Pronunciation: Bismillahi Tawakkaltu A’lallahi La Hawla Ola Qu’ata Illabillah.
Meaning: In the name of Allah (coming out), I trust in Allah. Allah is the only one who gives the ability to turn away from sin and the strength to do good deeds.

7. Dua before food:
Pronunciation: Allahumma bariklana fi’ma rajaqtana waqbina ajabannar.
Meaning: Oh God! Bless my sustenance and save me from the punishment of hell.

8. Dua while starting the meal:
Pronunciation: Bismillahi wa’ala Barakatillah.
Meaning: In the name of Allah and seeking blessings from Allah, I begin.

9. If the Bismillah is forgotten at the beginning of the meal, the only prayer to be remembered is:
Pronunciation: Bismillahi Auwalahu Wa’akhir.
Meaning: The name of Allah at the beginning of the meal and the name of Allah at the end.

10. Prayer after eating:
Pronunciation: Alhamdu lillahillazi at’yamana wasaqbana waza a’lana minal Muslimin.
Meaning: All praise is due to Allah who fed us, gave us drink and made us Muslims.

11. Dua after feasting or eating at someone else’s house:
Pronunciation: Allahumma at’im man at’yamani osqviman saqani.
Meaning: Oh God! Give food and drink to him who fed me and gave me drink.

12. Dua after drinking water:
Pronunciation: Sakahum Rabbuhum Saraban Tahura or Allahumma Bariklana Fihi Wajidna Khairam Minhu.
Meaning: Their Lord will make them drink holy wine (holy drink) or O Allah! Bestow goodness and blessings on that food for us and increase it more than that.

13. Daily Dua after Fajr and Maghrib prayers: (recited 7 times)
Pronunciation: Allahumma Ajirni Minannar.
Meaning: O Allah! Deliver me from hell.

14. If you sneeze, read this prayer:
Pronunciation: Alhamdulillah.
Meaning: All praise is due to Allah.

15. If you hear the answer of sneeze, read this prayer:
Pronunciation: Yarhamu Kallah.
Meaning: May Allah have mercy on you.

16. The person who sneezes should then recite this prayer:
Pronunciation: Yahdikumullahu wayuchlih ba-lakum.
Meaning: May Allah show you the right path and solve your problems.

17. This prayer should be recited while sleeping or going to sleep:
Pronunciation: Allahumma bismika amutu wa’ah ya.
Meaning: O Allah! I fall asleep and wake up in your name.

18. This prayer should be recited while sleeping or waking up:
Pronunciation: Alhamdu lillahillaji ah-yana bardama amatana wa-ilaihinnushur.
Meaning: All praise is due to Allah Ta’ala, Who has awakened us after giving us sleep and to Him (on the Day of Resurrection) we shall rise from the graves alive.

19. The following prayer should be recited during rain:
Pronunciation: Allahumma Chaiyiban Nafia’
Meaning: Oh God! Bring down beneficial rain.

20. The following prayer should be recited when boarding an engine vehicle:
Pronunciation: Alhamdulillahi subhanallaji sakhyarlana haza oma kunna lahu muqbarini-ina wa inna ila rabbina lamunqbalibun.
Meaning: I am describing the holiness of Allah with thanks to Allah. Who has subjected it to us, but it was difficult for us to make him obedient. Of course we have to go back to our Lord.

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