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Islamic Workshop

Organizing workshops on important issues of Islam creates awareness among people. Therefore organizing workshops in the light of Quran-Hadith on humanitarian issues and other important issues is a basic aim of Muslim Community and Social Development Organization. The number of believers in many superstitions and fake hadiths in our country including the Indian subcontinent is countless. Against the fake hadith with all these superstitions, the late Dr. Abdullah Md. Jahangir Sir wrote ‘Forgery in the name of Hadith’. May Allah raise the status of the deceased in Paradise.

The Tabain and Tabe-Tabein, including the Prophet’s beloved Companions, were very cautious about accepting hadiths. They would not accept any hadith if there was the slightest doubt. However, in our country including the Indian subcontinent, the tendency to accept fake hadith is much higher than the relatively authentic hadith. Any commands and prohibitions of Islam must be accepted and rejected on the basis of Al-Quran and Sahih Hadith. All matters which are not directly mentioned in Al-Qur’an and Sahih Hadith will be ascertained by the Ijma of eminent Ulama. There is no substitute for Islamic workshops to convey these issues to all levels of our society.

If we can create public awareness about the life, philosophy and actions of the Prophet before and after the prophethood, it is expected that the faith of Muslims in our society will be refreshed and the deeds will increase. Therefore, the importance of organizing Islamic workshops is immense.

It is expected that it will have a great impact on the national life if mosque-madrasa based Islamic workshops are organized in every district, upazila and important places of the capital. Because the participants of the workshop will be motivated to work tirelessly to reach different levels of the society. Society is bound to change if the message of ‘Truth is united, lies are scattered’ can be conveyed to every corner of the society.

So let’s participate in the work of charity by supporting the activities of the Muslim community and social development organizations and playing a role in strengthening Islam. May Allah grant us Tawfik to achieve its welfare in this world and in the hereafter.

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